As I am, this blog is a work in progress. I wish to welcome all those who read and comment as thoughts, wishes, dreams and confessions is what this blog is all about. Each of us have that special place that we go to dreams our dreams and make new realities. Each of us have our opinions on just about every subject known to man.
Each day we read about cool things, sad things, horrible things and perplexing things that happen in the world’s time and presence. Sometimes these things make us angry and other times they give us joy; sometimes they bring tears to our eyes and cause intense pain within our souls.
Sharing the joy, the grief and the frustrations of life on planet earth is what this blog is all about. So come my friends and join with me; share your dreams and be free. Life is too short to waste on broken promises, shattered lives and fears of tomorrow. Only when we become open to new beginnings and new answers do we then find the freedom to be our true selves and share that love of life with others around us.
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