Another Terrorist Attack? How Long Until We Stop the Madness?

Yesterday I awoke to a beautiful sunny day in my little world.  The day was not so bright elsewhere.  The day was filled with death and horror and more of the madness that seems to encompass our world on a daily basis.

Once again a terrorist attack has killed innocent people and yet we continue to sit back and watch it happen.

Over fifty people dead and another 50 injured.  Isn’t it time to put a stop to this insanity?  Yet our President took to the teleprompter and never even uttered the word Islamic terrorist or Jihad inspired attack.   It was surprising that he even used the word “terrorist” in his speech.

Why do we continue to allow this to happen all over the world when we have the power to end it now; the United States could end it in a single day should they choose.  Of course millions of innocents would be killed; but aren’t the innocents being killed anyway?

It is question for the ages and a question many have asked themselves over and over.  Must we live our lives being politically correct instead of being honest and true to ourselves?

Today in America we have two parties pitted against one another fighting for the job of POTUS.   Yet for the first time in America’s history, we have two candidates running for the highest office in the world and neither of them deserve to be in the position.

What has happened to America and who will lead us out from beneath the moral decadence of which we find ourselves?  When will we see a leader willing to change the world instead of seeking the power to chip away at our freedoms as they exist today?

We all must admit that this is not about Democrats or Republicans as neither party has lived up to the standards of their fore bearers.  Neither one is honest, neither one cares about the middle class in our country; neither one cares that soon our country will be bankruptcy.  It doesn’t matter which party is elected into office because they are all the same.  They vote for the laws that benefit themselves or their benefactors.  They negotiate back door deals with their counterparts but the deals have no semblance of what America is really all about.

Young people today love Bernie Sanders.  After all, he promises them free college, free living and government to take care of it all.  In school they are not taught about the real drawbacks of socialism. You only have to look at countries like Venezuela to figure that out.

Capitalism made this country great but now is scoffed at and ridiculed. People say only the rich can be happy in America, but how did the majority of the rich become that way?

It’s true that many inherited their wealth but what about the Bill Gate’s or Steve Job’s of the world.  It’s true that most entertainers today get their breaks because of mom or dad; however, there are those Billy Crystal’s and Jennifer Hudson’s of the entertainment world and they have worked their butts off to get where they are today.

Whatever happened to elbow grease and hard work?  Why do so many Americans feel they need everything given them without having to lift a finger to work for it?  Did we begin a bad habit when winner’s trophies were replaced by participation awards?  Did we want to make the winners feel they didn’t deserve anything better than those who only participated but lost?

The land of the free and the home of the brave is slowly disintegrating before our eyes.  Home of the freeAmerica was founded on four words IN GOD WE TRUST yet suddenly we want to take God out of everything.  Instead of taking God out of our lives we need to put Him back into our country.

We still have our right to bear arms; we still have our right to vote; we still have our right to speak our mind; but if we continue on our present path, those rights too will disappear.  Once they are gone they will never return.

This is the first election I must force myself to go and vote.  I know it is a right I do not want to lose yet this election will be a most difficult choice.

We all need to examine ourselves and decide what future we want for our children and grandchildren.  If we do not take back our country from those who are destroying it from within, we will no longer be able to say we live in the land of the free and the brave.

We all need to step up and be counted.  Each one of us need to be accountable. Someday your voice may be the only one speaking loud enough to be heard.

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